Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nolalu Country Market

Green Growers Maxim #2 -- If you want to be happy for an hour, drink wine. If you want to be happy for a day, run away. If you want to be happy for a year, get married. If you want to be happy forever, be a gardener. (Ancient Greek saying).
Country (Farmers) Markets have been around over 200 years in Ontario with the first one established in Kingston in 1780. With a surge in the popularity of supermarkets and their 'convenience foods', pre-packaged and highly processed, country markets declined in the sixties and seventies. But there was a resurgence in the 1980's. Now with greater awareness of food quality and the impact on our health, country markets are more popular than ever. There are some 157 farmers markets listed on the website.

And that does not include the 'Nolalu Country Market'. Held every friday from 4 pm to 7 pm at St. Urho's at the junction of Hwy 588 and 590, our little market is growing with increasing numbers of vendors and customers ranging from locals to campers. They come secure in the knowledge that the food is fresh, safe to eat and the next best thing to harvesting it yourself. Also all the artisans' crafts and creations are hand-made locally. Not only is it a way of connecting to the land, it is also a way of connecting with one another-- a wonderful social occasion. We may not always have exactly what you're looking for, but we'll always have a friendly 'Hi Neighbour!'.